Okay, fellow bloggers I am back, for all two of you that I have left. My major problem with blogging is my home computer is not loading my blog. It loads all the other blogs I read, but not my mine. So, I had to wait until I was back at work to blog. So, for the next few weeks, as I finish work. I will be blogging.
Okay the reason I am writing is I realize I have been kicked out of the Cool Fat Girls Club again. See, I am currently not fat, this happens periodically to me. I lose weight without trying and I gain it back eventually. Since I have spent more of my adult life being fat, than thin. I identify as fat. And when I am fat, I am actually proud and confident, of course I am happy thin also. This fat pride took a long time. In my teens and early twenties I unsuccessfully dieted a lot. Then at 25 I accepted that I was fat and beautiful, the fact that cool, diva, sexy fat cool clothes were being sold in my town, helped the attitude change. Then around this time I became vegan and lost 50 pounds, found dairy again and gained 60. At this point I was fine with the weight gain, I had fat heroines. My best friend introduced me to the world of BBWs, and not to mention she is the prettiest girl I have ever known and has always been fat. Them my first girlfriend (the one that will be on Kink) was a totally sexy, yummy girl who wore belly shirts tons of cleavages and was hot. These two wonderful women showed me that my fat body was beautiful, plus were shining examples of how to live as a BBW. Then I had stomach problems lost 30 pounds. Got pregnant and felt gross and lost 7 pounds. Gained 23 pregnant pounds. Had the baby, then a bad gallbladder and a super heavy nursing boy caused me to lose about 60 pounds. Even after the gallbladder came out I was able to eat like 4 donuts and maintain my weight, I mean boobie boy was helping me burn calories. Then boobie boy starts loving his solids and I continue to eat the same and gain 15 pounds. Flash forward to Christmas, 6 weeks of stomach problems followed by a week of the stomach flu, cause me to lose 20 pounds.
So, hear I sit 136 pounds, smaller than the average North American woman (who weighs 145). And I still thing of myself as a fat girl and carry that attitude. But, I notice that other fat girls do not see me as fatty. For, instance my best friend and I have a hobby, that is called make fun of our partners short comings, it is very fun past time, and can be very therapeutic. We make fun of her boyfriend conversations skills, which are lacking. And we have always made fun of Karen's eating habits, because she like her mother, can eat her away from one end of a buffet to another. We have always found this funny, and complained that even though Karen is fat, we could never eat the same amount as her without being double or triple her weightor without spending all night on the toliet. But, guess what my best friend (who I love dearly) does not find these jokes a funny. You know why? Because I am a non-fatty making fun of fatty. And when she pointed it out to me I was stunned, I still thought of myself as a fatty. I guess my membership in the club is temporarily suspended. I guess, until I get fat again ( and I am alaways one Carmilk bar a way from being fat), I will have to instead make fun of Karen's pronunciation.