Friday, August 29, 2008

Hospital Last Night

I ended up being taken to the hospital by ambulance last night. I was watching Robbie on the kiddie rides. And my heart spiked to 179 and I could not make it to the car. I got Karen to take him on more rides while waiting for the ambulance, so he wouldn't see me. They wheeled me past the kiddie rides. I hope he was not traumatized. All I did was worry about kids. When they put me on the stretcher a bunch of kids were asking what was wrong. I told them I was a little tired and I had to go for check-up and to have fun. When Robbie saw me I told him I was going for a bed ride. The drs think my beta-blocker is not working properly. The ER is going to have me seen by a cardiologist within a week. I hope so. This is 3 spikes in less than a week. I feel like I am missing out. I want to have fun with my family, not lie home on a couch.
Will update soon with vacation pictures, when I am feeling better.


bleu said...

Oh my gosh Catherine, I would say your beta blocker is not working, not one bit!!!!! This is just swful for you. I hope they can get it figured out asap!!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds terrifying... I am so sorry. i really hope you get seen asap so you can get this heart stuff under control. Hang in there! Sending big hugs...

Lisa said...

Feel better Cath. Sounds likes scary stuff. I hope your doc can figure everything out for you.