Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gaps in life

I have a small gap in my life, I know nothing about. I was given up for adoption at birth and my parents got be when I was 4 months old. My birth mother has told me about my conception, her pregnancy and my birth. My Mom has told me my stories from 4 months on. What is missing is my first 4 months. I have no pictures of me as a new born, no stories about my first few days, my first smile, how did I sleep, was I healthy? I have always been curious where was I, does my foster family remember me? Especially since Robbie's birth I have wondered, did I look like him as a new born, was I fussy and clingy like him? Did I have reflux like him? Well, I may get a few answers soon.
As you all know I am doing adoption training. One of the trainers is has been working for the department for about 30 years. She worked with people who were foster families in the early 80's who fostered babies, these were the same families that fostered babies in 1970, when I was a baby. She said there were only 3 or 4 families and they are all alive. She is going to do some research for me and see if she can find out who it was. I am excited to maybe complete the missing part of my life. I don't want a big relationship with them. Just maybe a meeting and any information they remember about me.


Anonymous said...

I really hope you can find something out-- it would be so wonderful to be able to fill in that gap... To have someone who knew you "when". Good luck and keep us posted! How is the adoption prep going?

bleu said...

WOW how cool. That sounds pretty interesting and exciting.

I wish I had had a free second while up there but it was insane. I DO hope you meet up when we move though!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you find the people and info and are able to close that gap.