Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How fast can a dog on a diet eat?

I will have to post a picture of my fat little doggie. I have to look around I know I have one of here and Robbie. My doggie is supposed to be 13 pounds, at the vet this summer she was 25 pounds! She is obese for a Lapso Apso/ Pomeranian mix. She was chubby and then I got pregnant and was all down hill, she put on the baby weight for me. She has been on a diet for 3 months and has lost 2 pounds. Anyhow, to answer the question. It took 2 minutes to eat her soft food, 3 minutes for the diet crunchies. It is rough to be on a diet with no thumbs to cheat with.


Estelle said...

Wally is forever on a 'diet'
He was always a stocky dog (but he is a stockey breed... saint bernard, they are stocky unless they are near death) but it got worse once he went on commercial dog food. So we are back to cooking for them 100% and while I do not notice a difference in his size (yet) I do notice that once he is done eating, he's done. He doesn't look around for more or try to sneak cat food. I think he is much more fulfilled now while getting the same amount of calories. So hopefully that makes enough of a difference.

Catherine said...

Wow, E you are committed. I can not imagine making homemade dog food. Your food must be good if he does not sneak cat food. We have our cat food way out of little doggies and Robbies reach. We also unfortunately, have to hid the litter box too, because apparently cat poop is tasty!