Monday, November 21, 2005

Strongly Held beliefs

In Some of my Groups and on E's blog their have been some heated debates about abortion and circumcision. I don't believe in either. In E's blog people have been trying to either tell me or E ( I am not sure which) that one of us is prochoice. Personally this offends me, I know what I am and that is pro-life, I am not like most pro-lifers. I just believe it is wrong to end of life and I do not think it should be a valid choice. Now, I am not about to picket or stop anyone. And there are a lot of gray area and social issues that need to be solved, so that we won'y need abortions. And I do not have the answers. I just know I am personally prolife and I resent others who are telling me I am prochoice. What I hate worse is that at times(not referring to right now) people have tried to change my mind about strongly held beliefs. If I have a belief, I have thought it out and researched it, someone else is not going to change my mind. Now, if I am not sure about a topic, I will ask and am then open to discussion.

Here are 11 of my beliefs
1. I am prolife
2. I do not believe in Circumcision
3. I do not believe in altering a child piercing ears or dying hair without their informed consent
4. I belivee in Breast feeding a baby if you can, not if there are reasons physical or emotional why you can't
5. I believe in child led weaning, child can nurse until whatever age they want
6. I believe in Co-sleeping (but not for others if they do not chose)
7. I don't eat meat and think that is the best choice for me and my family (may not be for others)
8. I do belive in organised religion, but believe there is a higher power
9. I think circuses with animals and zoos are wrong and will not takes my son to them
10. I do not believe in capital punishment ( my biological half-brother was murdered and I still have the same belief)
11. I am against hunting for everyone, I would allow it if the animals were armed

Here are 5 things I am not sure about
1. Co-ed shcools
2. the middle east
3. the meaning of life
4. special ed or mainsteaming
5. TV for kids good or bad

I am willing to debate the last 5 but not the other 11. I respect and like people who differ from me. In fact my mom and best friend and I differ in a few areas. But, we don't talk about them. Why? It is pointless we are not going to change each others minds and feeling will just get hurt. So, why not enjoy the things we have in common.

BTW my spelling and grammar sucks. See, what an almost PHD will get ya.


Estelle said...

Ah you and I get more and more alike everyday :)
I don't think I would call myself prochoice either. I think it should be hard to obtain, and a last resort. I don't think it should ever be done and honestly I don't see a reason for it. But, if a woman is hellbent to do it, I would rather her not die having it done. And there are some women who won't place a child for adoption (I hate the term 'give up' so I don't like to use that). They say they can't carry a child for nine months and then give it away... why then they can carry it for three and kill it is beyond me, but oh well. But, in these situations... sometimes it would be better for the child not to be born at all than to be born to the parents it has. Case in point is my sister in law. I absolutely think she should have had an abortion because I know she has done harm to her child drinking through her pregnancy (someone said she had 90 proof amnio fluid... probably not far off) and I know she plain doesn't give a shit about the kid, she's doing it for attention. I truly believe she will be a horrible parent and this child is destined to lead a life of pain and sadness inflicted upon him by his parents. Now, ideally, she never would have gotten pg. Second best would be to give the child to someone who will love it and raise it well. But I really think an abortion would have been better than her keeping this child. It tears me up to say that, because I AM pro life... even if people think I'm not. But I am pro quality of life as well...

Catherine said...

Those are good points E. I know of someone who had a few abortions and if she had stayed pg she would have abused her body and the fetus would have suffered, so what else can you do. There are many grey areas and those are hard. I wish that every mistaken pregnancy would consider adoption. My birth mothers son was killed in a drug deal gone wrong and my birth father escaped a fire and left my his baby (my half-sibling) behind to die. Adoption helped my life so much more than my siblings. But, I guess not everyone can do that. Sigh, it is so hard!