Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Maternal instinct and working mother!

I was watching this stupid talk show last night called the Mommy Show. They had a bunch of Mom's sitting around chatting about working vs. Staying at home. Well, this one Stay at home Mom said " It is great that working Mom's recognize that they need to work, I guess I am just more maternal and I enjoy and prefer being at home. (Looking at a working Mom and addressing her) It is great you realized you were less maternal". WTF, less maternal. As a working Mom that pissed me off, I am not less maternal. I thinking being a stay at home is very wonderful thing to do and wish that we could afford to do it, but we can't. But, no way is a stay at home Mom more maternal, I believe that some Mom's are more maternal than others, but that has no bearing on what choice you make. Yes, I work and part of it is money, but the other part is intellectual satisfaction. I work part-time, I love my time at work and I love my time with Robbie, but I feel like I am a better parent to him now that I am back at work and fufilling both parts of myself. I had a one year Maternity leave and starting coming in one afternoon a week when he was 3 months, just to keep my brain stimulated. If I were independently wealthy or if Karen were making enough to support us, I would stay at home, but I would take 2 afternoons a week to either do volunteer work or work on my writing. I need me time and I do not think that makes me less maternal.


Casey said...

I have never understood the SAHM VS WOHM battle. I think it's silly. One is never better than the other and we all do what we can and must for our families. It's the same thing for the breast/bottle battle. Drive me nuts. Moms should stick together and support each other no matter what choices we make (or have to make based on a variety of reasons).

You're doing what is best for you, Robbie and your family unit. I support and applaud you.

Catherine said...

Thanks Casey. I think women should work for each other instead of against each other too.